“The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is a classic show performed worldwide. Its origin is the film under the same tittle made by Jim Sharman in 1975 and based on the same name musical by Richard O’Brien.
It is a tribute to science fiction films of the time. It tells the story of a couple ( Susan Sarandon and Brad Majors) who after, their car breaks down, must spend the night at Doctor Frank-N-Furter’s ( Tim Curry) who holds the annual Transylvanian convention where he is launching his new creature: Rocky.
Sapo Productions present us with a delirious show hand in hand with all the main characters live on stage. “Rocky Horror” is not a show as such, it is rather a screening of the film with the audience taking an active role, an amazed audience who witness how the character on the screen come to live directed by a provocative ringmaster. It is pure cabaret: grotesque, unique and sensual characters fill the stage.