“The Comedy of The Siege” is a piece written, created and performed exclusively for Saint Bernabe’s Festivities in Logroño counting on local actors as well as a number of volunteers.
This comedy consists of a few performances recreating the Siege of Logroño by French troops in 1521, in the fashion of the theatre of the time. The genre was named Art Comedy, Comedy of the Servants or Comedy of the Jesters, This was a more popular and didactic kind of play, it deals with global issues such as love, famine, death, wealth…
This type of show is usually introduced as and apparently improvised form of art, as if everything happening on stage was the product of the performer’s inspiration at that very moment. Far from the truth. This kind of performance is meticulously studied and rehearsed, the improvisation of The Comedians of the Art with their playful games and songs-live music-is a perfect example of Art Comedy in capitals. We use a simple and direct speech, a kind of play targeted to all audiences of all ages.
The Comedy of the Siege present us with very recognisable characters ( the old man, the mean man, the servant, the rascal, the pedantic…) Being this a street festive show we use leather masks dating back to Carnival celebrations in the Middle Ages.